Finally winter!!!!! I was so tired of sunny days, the heat.... but the rain finally arrived :D
Winter is definitely my favorite season, because I love rain, cloudy days in bed, typical winter food like sopaipillas and soups, I even like cold, at least is better than heat

Only after a rainy day, we can see the "cordillera de los Ándes" and the blue sky, and that makes me feel so happy. The last few weeks, the air was gross!!!! Now we can breath air a little more clean

But winter is not perfect, during this season there are many people who get sick and that is never something good.
This past week, I have'n been in Santiago, and being in my house, winter is even better, here when it's raining there's a smell of wet dirt, that is one of my favorite smells, makes me fell so good =) This past week has reminded me when I was little and was in winter holiday's, I woke up only when I was bored of being in bed. I've seen more movies this week that in the last months... XD
I hope you had a great week of rest for all those who voted "no" to the demonstrations, and very productive for those who support it, see you... who knows when, with highly charged batteries =)